International Partners Group

Dr. Salim M. AlMalik
Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO)

Prof. Dr. Fethi Mansouri
Director of the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University, Australia

Judge Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelsalam
Secretary-General of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, UAE

Peter Mousaferiadis
CEO & Founder, Cultural infusion, Australia

Jean-Christophe Bas
Founder of the Global Compass and Connecter for Peace, France

Prof. Javier Gonzalez Nunez
International University Professor, Consultant, Course’s creator, Strategist, Entrepreneur, Spain

Fariz Ismayilzade
Vice-rector, Director of the Institute for Diplomacy
and Development of the ADA University, Azerbaijan

Yahya Pallavicini
President and Imam of CO.RE.IS
(Islamic Religious Community) of Italy

Robert Palmer
Director/international Expert Consultant,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Director at the Council of Europe (2006-2013)

Rabbi Marc Schneier
President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, USA

Reza Deghati
Photojournalist and Peace correspondent
Alessandro Bianchi International Heritage Consultant

Alessandro Bianchi International Heritage Consultant