Co-Founder and President


Co-founder and President of the Global Peace for Human Security Council, UK

Chairman of the Board of Azerbaijan Creative Industries Federation

Founder and CEO of the ZADEE Mind-brand Organization, Turkey

CDO of the Global Communication and Innovations Company, Azerbaijan

Vasif Rasif oglu Eyvazzade was born on August 19, 1985 in Azerbaijan. He graduated from the Azerbaijan University of Languages with a bachelor’s and masters degrees in international relations in 2002-2008 with honors. In 2013-2016, he received a second degree in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, then in 2017-2019 he received a master’s degree in the specialty “Public Administration in Global Diversity Governance” from the Coventry University, UK. He is currently studying for a Master in Business Innovation at the Global Business School in Barcelona, Spain. Vasif is a graduate of the courses on “International Negotiation Skills”, “International Management Skills”and “International Public Relations Skills” organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan jointly with the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, the European Union and the British Council in 2009-2010.

Vasif Eyvazzade was the head of the division for cooperation and programs with international organizations in 2011-2012, Head of the International Cooperation Department from 2012 to 2018 , Deputy head of administration – Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Innovative Development from 2018 to 2020 and head of Administration between 2020 – 2022 at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Vasif Eyvazzade was also Secretary of the International Working Group of the Baku Process for intercultural Dialogue ( which has been implemented in partnership with UNESCO, the UN Alliance of Civilizations, the World Tourism Organization, the Council of Europe and ICESCO since 2008, Member of the Executive Council and Secretary General of the National Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan for ICESCO, Member of the Coordinating Group of the Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises from 2018 to 2021, Head of the Working Group on the Development of Creative Industries under the Ministry of Culture from 2019 to 2022.

He chaired the Operational Team of the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue initiated by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan which is organized on every two years since 2011, UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage held in 2013, the 7th Global Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations of the United Nations held in 2016 and Chaired the Operational Group of the 43rd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee held in 2019. He attended more than 500 conferences, forums and meetings in around 70 countries. He led a number of important projects implemented jointly with UNESCO, the UN Alliance of Civilizations, the Council of Europe, the European Union, ICESCO, TURKSOY and other international organizations.

Vasif Eyvazzade was the President of the Culture Commission of the 41st General Conference of UNESCO held on November 9-24, 2021 in Paris, France.

Vasif Eyvazzade has been the initiator of the Creative Azerbaijan platform ( and leads the international working group for Global Call of Peace4Culture initiated by the Government of Azerbaijan in partnership with the UN Alliance of Civilizations and ISESCO.